Want to Get Rid of Treated Timber Vineyard Posts?

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


Wine Australia is working with the National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life to provide growers with costed options to either re-use, recycle or safely dispose of treated timber (CCA, creosote) posts.

The first step is to map out where the posts are and their condition to provide an idea of the volumes by region.

To do this, Wine Australia has designed a survey of 13 short questions which should only take you around 3 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and the data you provide will be critical in designing the best solution for the growing stockpiles of CCA and creosote posts in your region.

Click HERE to complete the survey.

If you have any questions about the project, contact Alex Sas at Wine Australia: alex.sas@wineaustralia.com or 0419 810 173.

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