Start Preparing For Bushfire Season

There are little things you can do to help be prepared for the upcoming bushfire season.
We’ve seen it devastate the area before and we know that bushfire season has the potential to cause havoc for our community, so let’s all do our bit to be prepared.
Director of ARC Training Centre in Fire Retardant Materials and Safety Technologies, Professor Guan Yeoh said recent weather patterns had created conditions that increased the chance of major bushfires.
“In the last few years, we have had a lot of rain and floods and because of that there has been a lot of growth of grass, trees and bushland,” Professor Yeoh said.
“The winter has been very dry and now we must ready for a scenario where will have high summer temperatures, the same as they are currently experiencing in the northern hemisphere.
“Given all that, i think it is important for people to be really prepared for bushfire season and think about what might be coming.”
It is time to prepare as much as we can before the season sets in.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Clean out your gutters, get rid of all those leaves and tennis balls and run the hose over them.
- Prepare your water tank so you have a reliable supply of water if you need to dampen any approaching flames;
- Trim overhanging trees and shrubs, mow the lawns and remove cuttings;
- Remove flammable materials around your house, including outdoor furniture, paint cans and door mats;
- Prepare a clear and concise evacuation plan that everyone in the family can understand;
- Keep up-to-date with local bushfire information via radio, websites, social media, TV and special apps like Fires Near Me.
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