RSL Lifecare Calls For Increased Government Support For Homeless Veterans

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


RSL LifeCare calls for greater support from State and Federal Governments to address the increasing number of veterans experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.

In recognition of National Homelessness Week 2024, RSL Lifecare has called for greater support from the NSW and Commonwealth Governments to address the increasing number of veterans experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.

The call came off the back of alarming data from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, which revealed that 5.3 percent of veterans who had recently transitioned from the ADF (12 month period) experienced homelessness.

That is 2.8 times higher than the general population (1.9 percent) over the same time.

Veterans are overrepresented in the homelessness population, with risk factors such as PTSD, substance abuse, and operational service contributing to their homelessness.

Over the 2010-2017 period, veterans spent an average of 6.3 years in homeless situations, compared to five years for non-veterans.

Veterans are also less likely to access mainstream services.

RSL Lifecare commended the NSW Government on its reaffirmation of its plan to drive homelessness numbers down by delivering more and improved social housing and increasing access to support services, but was disappointed that our ex-servicemen and women were not a prominent part of that narrative.

RSL LifeCare is leading the way when it comes to practical solutions to end veteran homelessness, including its highly effective HOmes for Heroes program.

Homes for Heroes, a 12-week transitional housing program for veterans experiencing homelessness or risk of becoming homeless, not only provides a veteran with transitional accommodation but importantly, wrap around in-community support.

Since its inception in 2014, the Homes for Heroes program has assisted hundreds of homeless veterans in its current limited capacity and infrastructure, including:

Providing safe short-term or medium-term accommodation while the veteran’s homeless related issues are addressed;

Case management and support to assist the veteran into long-term sustainable living options, with significant rent concessions;

Connecting the veteran to other services offered by RSL LifeCare, including employment, education and training, financial assistance, DVA claims support, and positive community networks like RSL sub-Branches; and

Strategies in place to respond to any ongoing requests from the veteran for information or advice as well as referrals to clinical and allied support where required.

With the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide due to hand down its final report next month, programs such as Homes for Heroes that address the risks of suicide (financial insecurity, lack of housing and unemployment) need to be expanded and supported by both NSW and Commonwealth Governments.

RSL LifeCare CEO, Janet Muir said it was well documented that veterans were overrepresented in the homeless population, with risk factors such as PTSD, substance abuse, and operational service contributing to their homelessness.

“What is clear is that more needs to be done to support organisations like RSL LifeCare who have plans to invest more resources into veteran homelessness,” Ms Muir said.

“In recognition of National Homelessness Week, I am calling for greater collaboration between the public and private sector to address the challenge of veteran homelessness.

“The NSW and Commonwealth Government must prioritise funding for our ex-servicemen and women - who have selflessly and courageously served our country.

“The time to eradicate veteran homelessness is now.

“Better targeted action is required and as a society, we owe it to our veterans and their families to step up.”Access more information on the RSL LifeCare support services and programs for veterans and their families at

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