Mike Creed - Fighting For A Better Deal For Macquarie

Hawkesbury Councillor Mike Creed is the Liberal candidate for Macquarie in the upcoming Federal election.
Born and bred Macquarie man Mike Creed has been selected as the Liberal candidate for Macquarie after a pre-selection vote among party members.
Currently in his second term as a Councillor on Hawkesbury Council, Mr Creed has demonstrated a passion for the Macquarie electorate and its communities.
He has hit the ground running, pulling together a support team and starting the rounds of community groups to learn what the key issues are for the people on the ground.
Already at the top of his priority list, after speaking with members of the community, is the cost of living.
“Born and raised in this electorate, I have a strong connection with this community, and it has been incredibly tough watching what has been happening to it over the last few years,” Mr Creed said.
“This community has been under incredible pressure from increasing mortgage repayments, rents, electricity and petrol prices, and the sharp increases in the cost of food.
“Our community needs a strong advocate at a time when local households and businesses are finding their budgets stretched beyond breaking point.
“I put myself forward as the candidate for Macquarie because I know we live in one of the most amazing parts of Australia, and I will fight to protect its unique character.
“If elected, I will work tirelessly to bring more funding for our services and infrastructure, and ensure that Macquarie schools and hospitals get the funding they need, we get the funding our roads need for repairs after numerous natural disasters, and upgrades for our sporting facilities.”
Making the cost of living a priority will have flow-on effects into other concerns such as housing availability and affordability and the increasing rate of homelessness.
Mr Creed attended Blaxland East Public, Blaxland High and Penola Catholic College schools before starting his working life at a local McDonalds.
He’s been Operations Manager in a family-owned business, advisor to senior Liberal politicians and, after building a small local business, is the owner of the first pet-friendly café in Penrith.
“Raised with the belief that success comes through hard work and giving back to the community, I have always been motivated by a desire to make a positive contribution to the community that has given me and my family so much,” Mr Creed said.
“Over the years, that has involved participation in many local initiatives, sports clubs, charitable organisations, and business groups.”
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