Marine Rescue Port Stevens Crew Saves Stranded Fishermen

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


Marine Rescue Port Stephens crew rescues fishermen stranded 65 km offshore.

Two fishermen, stranded on the eastern side of the Continental shelf have been returned safely to shore by volunteers from Marine Rescue Port Stephens following a marathon 9-hour and 20 minute rescue mission on July 9.

Marine Rescue Port Stephens Unit Commander and Watch Officer Ben Van Der Wijngaart received a call from the fishermen at 3 pm that their Logged On 7.9 metre cabin cruiser had suffered engine failure more than 30 nautical miles off Port Stephens Heads.

“At this distance, communications are challenged but we managed to narrow the location of the disabled vessle,” Unit Commander Van Der Wijngaart said.

Marine Rescue NSW Inspector Steve Raymond said a volunteer crew was assembled at the request of Marine Area Command and rescue vessel Port Stephens 31 deployed.

“Our crew reached the stranded fishermen in just under one and a half hours,” Inspector Raymond said.

“The disabled vessel had been drifting south, southeast putting them 35 nautical miles off Port Stephens Heads.

“Visilbility was hampered because of sea spray.

“The PS 31 crew checked the welfare of the two men on board the disabled vessel before taking their boat under tow for the journey back to Port Stephens which took almost eight hours.

“The rescue vessel travelled back at under six knots because of sea conditions and occasional larger swell sets.

“It was a long, slow and uncomfortable haul back.”

The two fishermen and their disabled vessel were returned to Port Stephens at 2 am on Wednesday, July 10.

Unit Comander Van Der Wijngaart said the rescue mission was complicated by the distance and intermittent contact with the disabled vessel.

“The crew did an incredible job with the communications limitations we experienced.

“Locating the disabled vessel as quickly as they did was outstanding.

“Our crew and radio operators have enjoyed a well-earned sleep in today after a tiring rescue mission.”

Inspector Raymond said the skipper of the disabled vessel had Logged On with Marine Rescue NSW, ensuring the service’s radio operators kept watch over their journey.

“It is important that all boaters Log On with Marine Rescue NSW either by the free Marine Rescue app or VHF Channel 16,” Inspector Raymond said.

“Logging On saves vital time in the event of an emergency.”

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