Live Traffic Cameras Provide Local Updates

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


Traffic cameras have gone live in several locations around Hawkesbury, providing near real-time images.

A number of live traffic cameras have already been installed in the Hawkesbury region, with others still to come.

The Live Traffic NSW project by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) in collaboration with Hawkesbury City Council allows road users to keep up-to-date with news of incidents and conditions that may affect their travel within the region.

Camera installations will also assist residents impacted by bridge flooding or closures by providing close to real-time images of affected locations.

Live Traffic NSW provides regular updates about traffic conditions that may affect your journey on NSW roads using these live cameras.

The information includes current hazards as well as major events such as floods, roadworks and traffic incidents.

Cameras have been placed in strategic locations to provide users with an image every 60 seconds of current traffic conditions at that location.

Still-images, provided in near real-time, give users improved information to allow them to plan their trip before travelling in accordance with traffic, possible incidents and hazards.

You can also plan your trip using Live Traffic NSW.

Each route shows the estimated travel time, a list of hazards, rest areas and traffic cameras.

You can follow Live Traffic NSW on Facebook or Twitter or visit their website for rolling traffic updates and alerts.

Download the app at Live Traffic NSW app - iPhone or Live Traffic NSW app - Android.

Visit to report a traffic or road hazard.

Cameras installed and live include:

  • Cattai Road, Cattai Creek Bridge;
  • Sackville Ferry;
  • Wisemans Ferry;
  • Webbs Creek; and
  • Windsor Bridge.

Live traffic cameras are expected to be online at Yarramundi Bridge and the bridge at North Richmond by the end of the month.

The live cameras at Lower Portland Ferry are currently undergoing site inspections.

In addition to permanent CCTV operations, temporary CCTV activities are regularly undertaken state-wide.

These temporary CCTV activities are undertaken to monitor and evaluate infrastructure projects to determine if it is performing as intended.

A range of road-user behaviour data is collected from this type of CCTV to inform this monitoring and evaluation, including such things as traffic volume, traffic composition, level of service, travel speed, and lane positioning.

CCTV can also be used in Australian mass passenger transport systems for counter-terrorism.

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