Letter To The Editor – Vaping


Dear Editor,

Relaxing Australia’s draconian vaping regulations could save up to 140,000 lives by 2080 and prevent untold suffering for their families and friends, according to a new study.

It would save over 2 million years of lost life in Australia alone. The study, conducted by academics from the University of Queensland, The University of Melbourne and the United States, examined the impact of regulating nicotine vaping as a consumer product, as it is in the US.

The study took into account the health benefits for daily smokers switching to vaping, estimated at about 5 per cent of the risk of smoking, as well as any increase in harm from vaping in those who would never have smoked.

The study also estimated that, under the current restrictions on vaping, the goal of less than 5 per cent of adults daily smoking by 2030 will be missed by a wide margin.

The national smoking rate will only reach 7.5 per cent for males in 2080 and 5 per cent for females in 2064.

With relaxed vaping laws, a 5 per cent target for men will be reached in 2042 and for females in 2036.

Australia remains the only western democracy to require a prescription to legally access nicotine vaping products.

Since the effective ban came into force in October last year, the vaping black market has exploded, selling dodgy disposable products to young people, whilst limiting access by the adult smokers who actually need them.

New Zealand recently legalised nicotine e-liquid for use as a consumer good.

Smoking rates have been declining rapidly since, and young people have been successfully protected by basic consumer protections like mandatory age verification before purchase.

If Australia is serious about reducing tobacco’s burden on our public health, Australia’s outdated vaping regulations must be urgently changed.

The evidence for vaping is convincing and modelling indicates that easy access to nicotine for vaping could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of smokers.

What are we waiting for?

Dr Colin Mendelsohn MB BS (Hons)

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