Fixing Country Roads

Councils are encouraged to apply for the latest round of the Fixing Country Roads Program.
NSW Councils are invited to apply for the latest round of the Fixing Country Roads program to help enhance the productivity of the State’s farming, manufacturing, and freight sectors.
Better roads led to stronger local economies, stronger employment opportunities, particularly for youth, and ultimately stronger country communities.
Councils have faced enough challenges over the past few years and crews have been working incredibly hard to maintain and upgrade these vital roads.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Sam Farraway said the new round of the $543 million program will focus on shovel-ready projects that will deliver immediate benefits to communities.
“We want projects that build better, safer roads and bridges with higher speed and load limits that improve access for freight on the local and regional road network,” Mr Farraway said.
Every 100km out of a truck driver’s way costs over $300, so helping Councils to build the infrastructure that reduces travel times for industry will ultimately reduce costs for families.
Applications under the new round of Fixing Country Roads can be made until 5 pm Friday, October 14.
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