Creating Birth And Postpartum Experiences That Start With A Smile

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


Join Kylie the Doula at Griffith Exies at 11 am on Sunday, August 4 and connect with other expectant parents and new parents.

Connecting with people experiencing the same stages of life as you can be very helpful for your overall health.

Kylie the Doula has created Connect with Others who are Expecting, a group for expecting and new parents.

“I know it’s not the best name for a group,” Kylie said.

“I’m not very creative in that sense, but what I am is aware of the importance of having support in the early days of postpartum.

“As a mum of two boys, 8 and 5, the early postpartum for me was the hardest part of my journey.

“With my first labour leading to emergency caesarean, a rare and painful neurological condition at day three after both babies were born, understandably leading to quite a severe postnatal anxiety.

“I needed support from my family and my community of people to get me through each day.”

Kylie said she knew that there were many families in our area who may not have a lot of family close by to offer regular support.

“Maybe they have relocated here and have yet to meet new people or form friendships,” Kylie said.

“I want to help to ensure that every mother and father has that network of people, others who are also expecting a little one soon.

“Someone they can message during the middle of the night, knowing that they will likely also be awake feeding.

“Someone they can talk to, share experiences with and ask questions.

“Reassurance can mean the difference between a good night sleep or none.”

Kylie has already been able to see the benefit of the Connect with Others who are Expecting group, where a group of three mums have been able to maintain contact throughout their pregnancies, share their exciting news and baby experiences.

Now they’re exchanging tips, tricks, advice, resources, guidance, reassurance and more.

“As parents, we might wait until after baby has had their six-week needles before we start attending Mums and Bubs groups,” Kylie said.

“However, these mums have been able to support each other anytime, day or night, from babies’ first day

Kylie intends hosting the event once per month.

Find details on Kylie’s Facebook and Instagram pages - Kylie the Doula.

You can also contact Kylie on 0438 429 396 or by emailing

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