7-Year-Old Connor

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


Young cancer warrior, Connor will have his face featured on V8 Superutes driver Jimmy Vernon’s helmet for the Repco Bathurst 1000.

Seven-year-old Bowen Mountain cancer warrior Connor has been on the most traumatic ride of his short life this past year, after being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in August 2023.

This month he will take part in a different race altogether - with his face featured on V8 Superutes driver Jimmy Vernon’s helmet for the Repco Bathurst 1000.

Together, JImmy and Connor are sharing Connor’s story to shine the spotlight on the near-800 children diagnosed with cancer in Australia each year, and to raise awareness of the great work local charity Kids with Cancer Foundation does to support kids with cancer and their families.

Connor and his family will join Jimmy Vernon at the Repco Bathurst 1000 as special guests, going behind the scenes to explore the pit, sit in Jimmy’s racing ute the Purple Rocket, and experience all the fast-car action.

For a few months early last year, Connor suffered one sickness after another - colds and flus, skin infections, bowel issues, tummy pains, sore legs and eventually lots of bruising.

At first, his parents and doctor had an answer to the ailments - school germs, not eating healthily enough, “it’s normal for a young boy to have bruises on his legs” - then, one night in August 2023, Connor experienced severe stomach ache - so severe his parents took him to the emergency department at the local hospital.

Connor was discharged and asked to do some blood tests the following morning.

That night he was rushed to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead for more testing, and Connor and his family were given the devastating news that the youngster had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

Connor endured seven months of intense Chemotherapy treatment which resulted in many side effects and challenges.

He spent many nights in isolation wards, had infections in his central life and other infections due to being immunocompromised, nausea, vomiting, and more.

Connor lost his ability to walk twice during this time and required physio to rebuild muscle and strength.

He moved into remission and then finished his phase of intense treatment in March this year.

Connor remains on oral chemotherapy until August 2025 which will mark two years since diagnosis.

He has now returned to school and is playing sports again, jumping on trampolines and riding bikes and being a typical seven-year-old boy.

Connor loves fast cars and is excited to see himself on a racing car driver’s helmet whizzing around the famous Bathurst track.

Kids with Cancer Foundation tries to make things easier for kids with cancer and throughout Connor’s journey, has supported him and his family by paying household bills, medical expenses, grocery and fuel/transport costs as well as providing care packs.

They also provide Wigs 4 Kids, fund paediatric clinician positions in children’s hospitals around Australia, fund children’s hospital infrastructure and capital works and fund research into childhood cancers.

After everything Connor and his family have experienced, they want to help other children and their families who face the incredibly tough journey of childhood cancer diagnosis, by sharing their story to encourage donations and fundraising for Kids with Cancer Foundation.

Connor’s mother, Rebecca said Kids with Cancer Foundation had been an amazing support for their family.

“They have helped us pay some large outstanding bills, provided us with tickets to various events and when in the oncology clinic for appointments and hospital stays, Connor has been the recipient of many care packages to cheer him up and fill his day,” Rebecca said.

“This is such a wonderful foundation and we are so grateful for their care and support provided to us.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Visit www.kidswithcancer.org.au for more information about Kids with Cancer Foundation.

Follow V8 Superute driver Jimmy Vernon at https://www.facebook.com/JimmyVernonRacing as he races for Connor at the Bathurst 1000.

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